
How to order a designer chest of drawers

I have been working in the furniture industry for many years, and I often meet with clients who want to order a designer chest of drawers. In this article, I will share my experience with you and give you some tips on how to order a designer chest of drawers and get what you want.
First steps: Defining style and size

Before ordering a designer chest of drawers, you need to decide on the style and size. The style should match your interior and your preferences. The size should be suitable for the place where you plan to place the chest of drawers.

Define your style
If you are not sure about your preferences, look around and find the styles that you like. You can find inspiration in magazines, furniture websites, or interior blogs. If you already have a certain interior style, then choose a chest of drawers that will match it.

Determine the size
When you have chosen a style, determine the size. The size should correspond to the place where you plan to place the chest of drawers. Measure the space to make sure that the chest of drawers will be suitable.

Choice of material and functionality
Once you have decided on the style and size, the next step is to choose the material and functionality.

Depending on your budget and style, you may have several material options. You can choose wood, metal, glass or a combination of these materials.

The chest of drawers should be functional and meet your needs. Put all your requirements and wishes on paper to better understand what you are looking for in the chest of drawers.

Find a furniture designer
When you know what you are looking for, the next step is to find a furniture designer who can create your chest of drawers.

View the portfolio
Browse the furniture designer's portfolio to see which projects he has already implemented. This will help you understand how experienced the designer is and whether his style matches your preferences.

Ask questions
Contact the furniture designer and ask him questions about his work. This will help you better understand how he works and whether his approach meets your expectations.

Conclusion of the contract
When you have found a furniture designer you want to work with, the next step is to sign a contract. The contract must specify all the conditions, including the cost, time of the project and other important points.

Follow the process
When a furniture designer starts working on your project, don't forget to follow the process. Communicate with the designer, ask questions and give feedback. This will help the designer to better understand your needs and desires.

Get your designer chest of drawers
When the furniture designer finishes working on your chest of drawers, he should provide you with the finished product. Review it carefully and make sure that it meets your requirements and wishes.

Ordering a designer chest of drawers can be a difficult process, but if you identify your needs, find an experienced furniture designer and follow the process, you will get what you were looking for. I hope this article will help you order your perfect chest of drawers.

Frequently Asked Questions
1. How to choose a furniture designer?
Choosing a furniture designer depends on many factors, including style, budget, and designer experience. Review the designer's portfolio, ask him questions and make sure that his approach meets your needs.

2. What material should I choose for a designer chest of drawers?
The choice of material depends on your budget and style. You can choose wood, metal, glass or other materials depending on your preferences.

3. How long does it take to order a designer chest of drawers?
The lead time may vary depending on the complexity of the project and the workload of the designer. However, the process usually takes from several weeks to several months.

4. What additional services can a furniture designer provide?
A furniture designer can provide various additional services, such as consultations on the choice of furniture and decor, repair and renovation of old furniture products, as well as design and manufacture of other furniture elements.

5. What is the cost of a designer chest of drawers?
The cost of a designer chest of drawers depends on many factors, including materials, project lead time and designer's experience. Usually the cost can vary from several thousand to several tens of thousands of rubles.